Pure Clean Waste Solutions Ltd is a leading, national hazardous waste management operator. The company provides a broad range of services to local authorities, industrial and commercial sectors.
These services include advice on best practice, collection, recovery, recycling and disposal. Pure Clean Waste Solutions Ltd recognise its responsibility towards the environment and issues this policy as a statement of commitment to minimising the environmental impact of
its’ business activities.
Pure Clean Waste Solutions Ltd is committed to ensuring effective management of all activities that have the potential to affect the environment by:
- Assessing our activities and operations to identify the significant aspects that have potential to impact on the environment.
- Controlling all significant environmental aspects.
- Commitment to complying with relevant environmental legislation and regulations and to other requirements to which the organisation subscribes.
- Continual improvement of environmental performance by building environmental considerations into the decision making process and methods of operation, to minimise environmental impact and prevent pollution.
- Setting and publishing clear objectives and targets and to monitor environmental performance results to ensure that targets are met.
- Ensuring that all of our operations and activities are covered by this policy and that the policy is implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees.
- Commitment to the introduction of ISO 14001 and continual improvement of the environmental management system.
- Communicating this environmental policy to all other interested parties and the general public.
This policy is maintained and reviewed at least annually to ensure continual suitability and that any changes in our organisation, arrangements, scope of operations and our working practices are considered.